A Perfect Selection Page 6
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting … You didn’t have to … I didn’t get you …” she stammered.
Monty interrupted gently, “I wasn’t planning to get you anything, but I saw this and it seemed like the ideal gift. Especially since I couldn’t buy you flowers.”
“I figured out what you’ve been doing, you know. I appreciate your support -- you helped me get through the tight, initial days of my business -- but you don’t have to continue with the fake, flower orders.” Kayla frowned. “What did you do with the bouquets?”
Pleased and relieved that she’d taken his subterfuge well, he admitted, “I donated them to a local seniors’ home, for ladies who didn’t get visitors. Their happiness was worth it.”
“I’m happy they went to a great cause.” She nodded approvingly, then grinned. “I can’t wait to see what you’ve got me.”
“I hope you like it.”
His chest tightened, as he watched her open the box. The seconds before she reacted seemed to stretch out interminably. Then, she gasped.
♥ ♥ ♥
Kayla couldn’t believe what he’d given her.
Carefully, she lifted out the gold necklace with red, enamelled daisies interspersed along its length. Touched by his thoughtfulness, she could barely speak. “It’s lovely.”
“Would you like me to help you put it on?”
“Yes, please.” She bent her head forwards and lifted her hair out of the way.
As Monty fastened the chain, his fingers brushed her neck, sending a fizz of pleasure through her.
Her cheeks warmed. “How does it look?”
“Beautiful. The necklace isn’t bad either.”
“Thank you.”
“So now that my secret is out, do I get to spend more time with the flower lady herself?”
What more proof did she need that Monty was a man worth taking a chance on?
She smiled. “How could I resist the man who gave me the perfect bouquet?
Welcome to the world of the New Jersey Ice Cats!
Books in the series:
A Perfect Distraction
A face-off—head vs. heart
For Jake Badoletti, this year is all about his career. He has a rare second chance to make the most of being a pro hockey player, so no parties, no scandals. Too bad he's met a woman who could sideline those plans. Maggie Goodman is not his usual type—right down to being a single mom. Still, the sizzling connection with this gorgeous brunette can't be ignored.
With a little juggling and a lot of focus, Jake manages to have the game and Maggie. Then his performance on the ice suffers and a scandal erupts. Now he can't afford the distraction of Maggie…even if she is perfect for him.
A Perfect Trade
A win-win negotiation?
Truman "Tru" Jelinek's life is pretty much off the rails. With his professional hockey career on thin ice, and his personal life falling apart, he's ready to implement some serious changes. Helping Jenny Martin—the only girl he's ever loved—make her dreams a reality is a good place to start.
There's just one problem: Jenny doesn't want his help. She barely wants to speak to him. But Tru is prepared to negotiate a deal that even Jenny can't refuse. As trading favors turns into sharing passion, he has to face the truth that when it comes to Jenny, the game is far from over.
A Perfect Catch
He's the perfect catch…for now!
When it comes to romance, Tracy Hayden is not looking for a rematch. She's had epic passion—and problems!—with professional hockey player Ike Jelinek. Brilliant on skates and magic in bed, his too-traditional-for-her views were like a bucket of ice water on their affair.
Then an injury takes Ike out of the game, and everything changes. Suddenly he needs her services-providing business—even though he once claimed it was their biggest problem. Tracy's determined to be professional, despite the sizzling attraction between them that won't go away. Maybe they need a second fling to fix that!
A Perfect Compromise
Theirs is a game of give-and-take…
Schoolteacher Issy Brandine has a plan to build a stable, secure future for herself. No settling for second-best. Anything more than a sultry Caribbean fling with hotshot hockey star Jean Baptiste Larocque isn't part of the plan. A New Jersey Ice Cat with the ultimate hockey trophy in his sights won't fit into her low-key lifestyle. Except a surprise pregnancy changes everything.
Issy knows her child deserves more than a part-time dad. With JB's eyes on the championship that will redeem his career, compromise is out of the question. But love—and the baby between them—might prove that nothing is impossible.
For more information, please visit:
Enjoy an excerpt from Book One in the New Jersey Ice Cats Series:
“WHAT CAN I get you, Bad Boy?”
A skinny blonde in a figure-hugging, yellow microdress and spiked heels offered a champagne flute and a shot glass, but the message in her baby blue eyes said “Choose me.”
Jake held up the beer bottle he’d been nursing for the past hour and forced a smile of regret he didn’t feel. “I’m good, thanks.”
Her full lips pursed in a disappointed pout that six months ago he would have been tempted to kiss away. Now he couldn’t dredge up any interest. He was relieved when she and several of her friends flounced off.
The high-pitched chatter of the women who remained reverberated in his head, making his temples throb. The sickly mix of their perfumes made him yearn for fresh air. He had to get out of here. If it wasn’t for the paparazzi camped outside the building, Jake would have gone for a walk. He would take the heat and humidity of the city in August if it meant he got some respite.
This party had been a mistake. He should have been in his element. Instead, he felt dissatisfied. Empty, with a lingering sense his life was incomplete.
He wouldn’t even be hosting this shindig if Tru hadn’t insisted. His childhood friend had said that the best way to celebrate the transfer from Chicago was to invite Jake’s new teammates to one of his famous star-studded bashes. Though he hadn’t felt like partying since the accident, Jake had given in. Which was why his apartment was filled with the cream of Manhattan’s glitterati mingling with stars from the other pro sports teams in New York.
Jake wished he was somewhere, anywhere, else.
He bit back a sigh. His move home was supposed to be a fresh start. God only knew why he’d been lucky enough to survive that crash, but Jake had promised Adam, at his friend’s graveside, that he’d make the most of the second chance he’d been given. He’d change his life. Show the world, and himself, that he was more than his reputation. More than his nickname.
He knew nothing would bring Adam back. Nor erase the guilt that lay heavy and hard, like a frozen puck, in his heart. But he’d sworn to honor his friend by fulfilling the dream they’d both had since peewee hockey. The dream that had died for Adam on that back road in Chicago. Jake would win the Stanley Cup and raise it above his head in his friend’s memory.
It wouldn’t be easy. Hell, it would be the hardest thing he’d ever done. He’d come close before—even made it to the Final, before losing in six games to the Penguins. But this time, he had to go all the way. Coming second was not an option.
A husky voice interrupted his thoughts. “Come and dance with me, Bad Boy.” The invitation came from a brunette dressed in scarlet, with lips painted to match. “They’re playing our song in the living room.”
He shook his head, softening his rejection with a smile. “You go ahead. I’ll catch you up shortly.”
She shrugged and waggled her fingers in farewell, before leaving with a few friends.
If only the rest would follow her.
Jake swigged his beer, grimacing at the
flat, warm brew. Once this party was over, his fresh start could begin. He would have one goal, one focus. No more high-octane living; nothing that could be a distraction. No women, either. Dating was off the cards until next June. He’d find somewhere else to live, too. This Trump Place apartment was pure Bad Boy. The old him and not who he needed to be now.
That reminded him—he was meeting someone from Making Your Move this evening. He was glad he’d deliberately scheduled the follow-up during the party; he had an excuse to duck out of the fun.
A movement by the door caught his attention. He glanced over, wondering idly whether the newcomer was a celebrity, a socialite or a puck bunny, and mentally braced himself to switch on the charm.
His attention caught and held.
The woman standing there clearly wasn’t a party guest. She wore little makeup and her dark brown hair was scraped back. A few curls had escaped to softly frame her face. Her neatly tailored, brown outfit draped nicely over her curves, but there wasn’t an inch of skin visible from mid-calf to neck. Even her toes were covered.
Instead of turning him off, she had him wondering if those shapely calves meant her legs were gorgeous all the way up? Did she paint her toenails fire-engine red or shell-pink? How much smooth, creamy skin would be revealed if he undid one of those large, jacket buttons?
Unexpected heat flashed through Jake.
This was crazy. He was surrounded by the most beautiful women in New York, yet his body chose to spring to attention at Miss Prim and Proper?
Pull yourself together, Badoletti. He shook his head to clear it.
“Is something wrong, Bad Boy?” A model in a hot pink crop-top, which emphasized both her tan and her jutting shoulder and pelvic bones, touched his arm.
Fighting the urge to brush off her hand, he shook his head again. “Excuse me. There’s someone I need to see.”
About the Author
I’ve always loved happy endings. Even as a child, whether it was Laura Ingalls and Almanzo Wilder or Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe, I wanted to see the stories end happily. If I didn’t like the ending of a book, TV programme or film, I’d make up my own alternative version. Naturally, when I discovered romance novels through Mills & Boon, I was in heaven! I dreamed that one day I would be a romance writer.
But it took a long time for that to happen. In fact, writing is my third career!
After graduating from Exeter University, I worked in global marketing for a major multinational, looking after some familiar household names like Dettol and Lemsip. Then, I requalified to become a primary teacher.
It was only after my husband’s firm posted him to New Jersey in 2002 - and my US work permit hit a major snag due to the post-9-11 clampdown - that I got the chance to turn my writing hobby into something more serious. I took some romance writing courses, including one at the Gotham Writers’ Workshop. Through them, I discovered eharlequin.com, Romance Writers of America and my local New Jersey Romance Writers chapter. I completed my first manuscript in 2003 and haven’t looked back.
We returned home in 2008 and thanks to the internet, I was able to keep writing and submitting. Finally, on December 18, 2012, after many contest wins, placements and awards, including three prestigious Golden Heart finals - the Oscar for unpublished romance - my dream came true and I sold my first book!
I am a founder member of the Romance Bandits and you can also find me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. When I’m not writing, I’m an avid sports fan - especially hockey (Go NJ Devils!) and football, both English and American (Go Man Utd! Go Exeter! Go Washington Redskins!). I love great food and wine, classic films, making small cross-stitch projects and collecting memorabilia, penguins and shoes! My lovely husband and I share our Cambridge home with two bossy black cats, Jersey Girl and CC.